our team

Introducing the members of our 2019 Honduras team!

Standing: Brianna Bourne, Mrs. Houk, Mr. Houk, Josiah Sainsbury, Joe Matson, Jacob Jung, Paul Houk

Seated: Jenn Williams, Robin Clark, Sarah Pacuch, Alexandra Seago, Suzy Heaton, Abbi Pepperdine

Brianna Bourne

Hello!! My name is Brianna Bourne, and I am a “super senior” Office Administration major from Austin, Texas. Some of my hobbies are photography, baking, playing the violin, singing, and ancestry research. I received Christ as my Savior when I was 8 years old, and I got assurance of my salvation and dedicated my life to the Lord when I was 13. I have claimed Proverbs 3:5-6 as my life verses, because I have seen how God has directed each step of my life, and I know He will continue to lead me if I simply trust and follow Him. I have never been on a missions trip before, but I am so excited that God has allowed me to be a part of the Honduras team this year.

Robin Clark

I am Robin Clark. I am from Pensacola Florida, and I am about to be a senior Missions major with Elementary Education as my broad field. I was not raised in a Christian home, but many of my experiences have led me to a passion for missions. I am extremely excited for this opportunity to go to Honduras. I may not have many skills, but I am willing to serve in any way possible. I am also very excited to see what God is going to do in our lives this summer.

Suzy Heaton

Hi! My name is Suzy Heaton, and I enjoy doing a variety of things, including writing poetry, playing sports, singing, hanging out with family and friends, and just enjoying other people’s company. Here at PCC, I’m a junior studying Missions with an Elementary Education emphasis. This summer will be my second trip to Honduras with YOM, and I’m super excited to go! Since the last time we served God through ministering in Honduras, I haven’t stopped thinking about the people and their country. Well, God opened each door in His timing, and now I’ll get to go once more! Please pray for unity on the team, and for us not only to effectively minister to those in Honduras (including the missionaries), but also that we as a team would effectively minister with and to each other. God bless! And thank you!

Jacob Jung

Hello, I am Jacob. I am a sophomore Youth Ministries major from the small town of Pace, Florida. I enjoy working with children and teaching them about God’s Word. My desire for this trip is to learn how to depend upon God more, to be used of Him, and to be transformed more into His likeness.

Joseph Matson

Hi, I’m Joseph Matson from Washington state! I just recently finished my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Pensacola Christian College, and I am excited to see what the Lord has for me next. After much prayer and consideration, I felt the Lord leading me to go on a mission trip. The Lord directed my heart toward the Honduras team. This will be my first time on a missions trip and also my first time out of the US. As a student, I loved co-leading a Bible Club and volunteering in several other ministries. I enjoy helping others in need and am glad that the Lord has provided me with this great opportunity to serve Him. I look forward to seeing how He will use me. Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.”

Sarah Pacuch

Hello! My name is Sarah Pacuch. I am a junior Bible major from near Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania. I have had a passion to teach the Bible for a very long time and a desire to go on a missions trip for about 5 years. I’m so excited to see how God will work through my first official missions trip! I hope and pray that God will use me and my fellow team members to be an effective witness and blessing.

Abigail Pepperdine

Hi! My name is Abbi Pepperdine, and I am a senior Early Childhood Education major. My parents, my older sister, and my brother-in-law are currently on deputation as church-planting missionaries. This will be the third missions field that the Lord has allowed me to visit. When I was a teenager, God gave me the desire to be involved in foreign missions, and I have since learned that I need to keep growing and let God use me in any ministry, while always going with a willing and teachable heart! I am grateful for your support and prayers that God would use us to be a blessing to each other, the Hodges, and the people of Honduras!

Josiah Sainsbury

Hello! My name is Josiah Sainsbury, and I am a freshman Missions major! I am from Tampa, Florida, and I have been on two different missions trips during high school. I am looking forward to this trip, and I am excited to see how the Lord will use me. Please pray for me and for the team that the Lord will use us to serve Him in Honduras and that we all will learn something new from the Lord.

Alexandra Seago

Hi! My name is Alexandra Seago. I am currently a senior Elementary Education major at Pensacola Christian College, and I am from Arlington, Texas. Aside from growing up in a Christian home and having a daily walk with Christ, a big part of my life has been my job at Chick-fil-A! I have worked there for almost 6 years, and I would not trade those experiences for anything else in the world! I will be graduating in May 2019 and then moving to Katy, Texas, to be an elementary teacher at a small Christian school. I have had the privilege of traveling on missions trips throughout the United States, and now I have the opportunity to travel to Honduras to serve the Lord in ways I would not otherwise have. I am so excited to see how God works through us this summer, as He has always proven to do “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”

Jenny Williams

Hello! My name is Jenny Williams. I am a studio art major with a graphic design minor. I am from New Jersey. I was able to go with the Youth Outreach Ministry team to Mexico last summer. This summer I am glad to get a chance to go to Honduras with our 2019 YOM team.

our 2017 team

Meet the members of our 2017 Honduras team! Read their bios below to learn more.

Sarah Belcher

Hi! I’m Sarah Belcher and I am a junior early childhood education major with a Bible minor. I am from Stuart, Virginia. The Lord has enabled me to go on the missions trip to Honduras the last 2 years, and the trips have completely changed my life! The people of Honduras are in desperate need of the Lord, and I want to help in any way that I can to ensure that they know Him. God has placed a burden in my heart for missions, and I cannot wait to serve Him in Honduras again! Will you be willing to pray and support our team?

Hannah Carter

Hello! My name is Hannah Carter. I am a sophomore elementary education major. My parents, Troy and Jessica Carter, are currently in NC pastoring. I grew up at a camp ministry called Hoosier Hills Baptist in Indiana. I have a special place in my heart for children’s ministry. I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this summer. I am praying for God to use us in a mighty way as we serve Him in Honduras.

John Christiansen

Hi, my name is John Christiansen. I am a sophomore history education major, with a secondary minor in English. I’m from Sanford, North Carolina and I’m studying here at PCC. I love the outdoors, paintball/airsoft, weightlifting, reading, and learning new things, especially in history. While I love doing those things, more importantly, l love seeing others come to Christ and talking about my Lord. I am PUMPED about this trip and cannot wait to see what the Lord will do in my life! A good verse that I’m claiming is 1 Corinthians 10:31. It says, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

Suzy Heaton

Hello! My name is Suzy Heaton. I’m a freshman who used to have accounting as my major. However, through various people and their godly influences, and sermons preached here at PCC, I’m now a missions major with a minor in elementary education. I enjoy writing poems, reading books, singing, and playing basketball with my friends. I’ve never been on a missions trip before, but I’m looking forward to being a blessing to all those in Honduras, and those on my team. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us this summer!

Matt Hicks

Hi! My name is Matt Hicks and I am a junior, pastoral ministries major, from Louisa, Virginia. After completing my Bachelor’s degree, I plan on getting my masters of divinity to further my training for God’s call in my life. I went on a mission’s trip to Romania in 2015 and I loved it. That trip gave me a love for missions work. I believe that God has ultimately called me to be an evangelist. While preparing for that next step, I hope to be able to show the love of Christ to the people of Honduras.

Seth Schommer

Hello! My name is Seth Schommer. I’m a sophomore elementary education major from Rapid City, South Dakota. I love to play sports and I have a huge burden to see people saved. I’m currently a co-leader of a Bible Club here at PCC and enjoy giving the Bible lesson every week. This will be my first time out of the U.S. on a missions trip. I’m a little nervous, but I’m overflowing with excitement to see how the Lord works as we give out the gospel!

Stephanie Seitz

Hi, I’m Stephanie! I’m a freshman music education major at Pensacola Christian College. My instrument is voice and I am passionate about using singing and music for God’s kingdom. I am the second oldest of six children and from the beautiful town of Prescott, Arizona. I hope that God will use this trip to stretch me and teach me and show me more about Himself, develop my love for the lost, and demonstrate how music can be used on the foreign field. Thank you for your prayers and financial support!

Ashley Smith

My name is Ashley Smith, and I am a freshman elementary education major from Waynesboro, VA. When I was 14, I felt the call of God on my life to become a missionary, so I am very excited about this opportunity that the Lord has provided for me. I have been out of the country on a missions trip once before, and I am very excited to see what the Lord is going to do in my life in Honduras as well as others’ lives while we are there! I am especially excited about being able to work with the children there and teach them about Christ, as that is my passion. I am looking forward to serving the Lord and drawing closer to him in Honduras!

Sarah Swafford

My name is Sarah Swafford. I’m a sophomore from Auburn, Georgia, and I’m studying early childhood education. I enjoy working with children, singing, and playing the piano. I’ve grown up in the ministry as a pastor’s daughter, and this will be my first mission trip. I’m extremely excited to see how the Lord will use this new ministry in my life, as well as the lives of those in Honduras!

Abby Taylor

Hi! I’m Abby Taylor and I am a sophomore at PCC majoring in elementary education major with a minor in missions. I have moved many times in my life, but I claim Tennessee as my home. God has called me to the mission field ever since I was 8, and I am very excited to see where He leads me! I love working with children and would love to work in an orphanage. Last year I was able to go on a mission trip to Ghana, West Africa, where I fell in love with the people. While I will miss the people of Africa, I cannot wait to meet the people of Honduras and get to show them God’s love!! Please pray for the team and me that we will be used by God in wonderful ways!

2017 Team Testimonies

I don’t even know where to begin! This trip has been so amazing and God has been so good! One thing I loved was how close our team became! We all really got to share our hearts and fears and testimonies. It was such an encouragement to me! I loved how we were always busy doing something—passing out tracts, cleaning, giving Bible stories, or just sharing God’s love with a smile.

I also really liked how flexible the Hodges family are. They didn’t let bad traffic or a stuck bus stop them. Even if there was no power, they didn’t give up! I learned that the mission field is a lot of hard work, but it can be so much fun if you keep the right perspective. You can’t let things get you down! I loved the excitement every one had for the mission field. This trip has been the best mission trip I’ve gone on! I got to see just how much God protects us and how important it is to always be ready to share the gospel.

Abby Taylor

Thank you to all whom have supported and prayed for me! This trip has truly been a blessing. The biggest thing that stuck out to me on this trip was realizing just how easy and urgent it is for us to share the gospel. By “easy”, I mean that God has surrounded us with opportunities to witness for Him every single day. There were several times here (in Honduras) where we would be stuck in traffic or going through a town and just get out and pass out tracts! Then it struck me just how simple things like that can be done just as easily in the United States. There are people all around us that are searching for hope, for light, and for something to believe in.

We went into a Catholic church and my heart was completely broken over seeing dozens of people as they were kneeling and pouring their heart out to a statue of Mary and of Jesus, helpless and dying on the cross. They were trying so hard to gain hope, but they will never find it there. The only hope we have is in a risen, living, victorious Savior, and the world needs us to share that hope while we still can! If we hold the light of eternity in our hearts, and are given new opportunities to share that hope day in and day out, why would we not be willing to share that light?

Sarah Swafford

This trip has been a learning experience and an eye-opener for me! The Lord has shown Himself to me more than ever through this trip……from Him providing all my funds in a short amount of time and providing an exact amount of money that I prayed for, to seeing about 34 children saved through a 2 day VBS! I learned how to love like Christ loves and I learned how much a smile, a hug, or a “good job” commented to a child can mean to them.

I learned to be “all in” for Christ and that there is no checking in, or checking out of the ministry. I learned about flexibility a LOT and I learned how to look at obstacles as opportunities. I learned that 10 spiders above my head at night are not that big of a deal and are still worth the time being in Honduras. Most of all God confirmed to me that missions is in fact what I feel called to do with the rest of my life. I have loved serving the Lord in Honduras and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to go! A little piece of my heart will always be there!

Ashley Smith

“To God be the glory; great things He has done!” The Lord taught me so much through this mission trip. I have learned everything I hoped to learn and much more. It was wonderful to visit schools and plant Gospel seeds in children’s hearts, pass out tracts in the villages, fellowship with the team, the Hodges, and the members of the church, and make so many memories while traveling, hiking, and exploring!

I’m grateful that the Hodges and Houks kept us so busy, giving us a real mission field experience. God unified us and drew us close as a team. He allowed us to see the fruit of our labor in many ways. One of the countless things God showed me was the privilege of serving Him with others. Before the trip, I tended to minister with a one-person mindset, but God vividly pointed out to me His design that the body of Christ work together for His kingdom. Thank you for immersing this trip in prayer; we could see answers to prayer every single day!

Stephanie Seitz

When I was getting ready for the trip I was really nervous. It was my first time out of the country; it was my first time going on a missions trip. I had no idea what to expect. I had heard from other people what to expect, but I was just crazy nervous because I had no idea what could happen! What if I said something wrong, lost my train of thought or got separated from the rest of the team somehow?! What I realized when I actually got to Honduras is that God provides!!

Going the wrong way in one-way traffic or getting stuck in a ditch trying to go up a steep, slippery hill–these were just two examples of things not going as I expected! Even during our two days of VBS, when everyone seemed to be sick, God worked everything out for His good and 34 souls were saved!! I have learned on this trip to have a more firm trust in God and know that He will work everything out. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Seth Schommer

On June 15th, I was given the opportunity to preach at La Paz Baptist Church. I preached from Luke 19:1-10. This is the story of Zacchaeus. My main points were Jesus wanted the one no one else wanted; Jesus wanted him to come as he was; and the love of Jesus changed him. I always try to give applications in my sermons. When people leave the service, I want them to be able to get at least one thing that they can apply to their life from God’s Word. The application for this sermon was if you are not saved Jesus wants you; He wants you to come as you are; and His love will change you. If you are saved you need to show compassion on the people no one wants and evangelize them; to accept them as they are as Christ would (this does NOT mean that we agree or approve of their current sin, it simply means that we have compassion and share the Gospel with them regardless of their current state); and that the love of Jesus will change them.

Later the following week, the team went to the town of Pespire. We split up into teams and walked down the streets handing out gospel tracts. I passed a bar and there was a man standing outside of it. God said “Although on earth many people do not like that man, I love him.” So I walked up to him and gave him a tract and asked him if I could give the other two men tracts. He readily accepted the tract and said it was fine to give the other two men tracts. They also readily and graciously accepted tracts. These are people that I might normally avoid. God said “I love them and you need to also.” A few minutes later I saw a cross-dressing man on the corner. Our group had 3 young ladies and 2 young men in it. God tugged on my heart as if He were saying “I know the young ladies will show My compassion to that person, but YOU need to show him that MEN love Jesus, and that Jesus loves him!” The whole LGBT movement has really angered me in that it tries to redefine marriage, something that God has ordained between a man and a woman. I have a special distaste for this sin. It is repulsive to God, however it does NOT mean that God does not love them. It does NOT mean that God cannot forgive them. And it does NOT mean that we are not to show them the love of Christ and tell them that He died for their sins. So I gave him a gospel tract and invited him to church. God worked on my heart through the message that I preached. God made sure that I “practiced what I preached.” Will you love others like Christ loves?

Matt Hicks

Before I even knew about the Honduras YOM missions team, God had already been working on my life. He guided me to the right major, and He had given me a burden for a Spanish speaking country–I just wasn’t sure which one yet…..

Soon, God led me to sign up for a missions trip. I honestly wanted to sign up for one that I could easily provide the money by myself. God had other plans and worked around the cost. I signed up for the Honduras YOM missions trip and the following day I was interviewed and then accepted on the team!

As I was raising my support, I still ended up being short $200! Yikes! That’s a lot of money for a college student! I prayed about it, and asked others to pray for my trip as well. Things seemed to not be going anywhere. Honestly, I was getting a little anxious. But while prayers were going up, God was silently working on someone’s heart. A truly anonymous person donated down to the dollar, the amount that I needed for the trip! Praise the Lord!

While I was on the mission field for those two weeks, God opened my eyes to something……He gave me a burden for the people of Honduras! Now I know that God wants me in Honduras as a missionary one day, but I’m still praying about which ministry to join. Please continue to pray for me as well! Thank you so much to those who gave to and especially prayed for my trip! I will never forget what happened on these two weeks in Honduras!

Suzy Heaton

The two weeks in Honduras were amazing! This is my first actual missions trip and it was so cool to see what God can do in two weeks. It is definitely humbling to see how the people live here in Honduras compared to how well we live in our comforts in the US. It definitely teaches me to be thankful for what I have!

The Lord opened up my eyes for the need to have people be evangelized and hear the gospel. Because I am very introverted I didn’t really share very often, but by being in Honduras it definitely got me out of my comfort zone and has shown me that I can share the gospel with people. The Lord is not specifically calling me to missions, but after this trip and seeing what happens in missions first hand, I can definitely support missions!

John Christiansen

How to even start! I wasn’t looking for God to change me when I went on this mission trip to Honduras. I was going to be a blessing to the people and the Missionaries (the Hodges), but God had so much more in store for me! The first night in Honduras I was scared and a little overwhelmed with everything that was going on. I was looking at all my shortcoming, failures and faults and saying, “God can’t use me.” That night, when in prayer, I felt God whisper, “I’m so much bigger than that. Why won’t you let Me use you?”

God didn’t need me to be “enough”; He just needed a willing vessel! God was able to show me how much bigger He is than all of my shortcomings! It blows my mind that God would use me. Will you let God use you?

Hannah Carter

I have thoroughly enjoyed this years’ mission trip to Honduras! God never ceases to amaze me! Every year (this is my third year in a row!!) I wonder how God is going to fit all the pieces together and let me go again, and every year He blows my mind by doing just that! A team member asked me on the last night of our trip, “What has been your favorite part of the trip?” I replied this year the same way I have for the past two years, “Every part!” I can’t pick just one thing as my favorite. From the Hodges’ ministry, to getting the gospel to the public schools, to fellowshipping with the nationals……every part has been my favorite.

This year God specifically increased my burden to be a light for Him. This thought came through our team leader, Mr. Houk, and his very first devotional of the two weeks, on our first night in Honduras. Later, while on a van ride one night with our team, coming back from Tegucigalpa, I looked out the window of the van and saw thousands of lights covering the mountains around the city. A thought occurred to me during that time. My thought was, if every light represents a house, how many people are in one house? And then how many people are represented by those lights? Thousands of lights representing homes with even more thousands of people whom probably have never seen or heard the Gospel Light of Jesus! It strongly convicted me that I need to be doing everything I can to reach those people for Christ. This world is full of darkness. God has called me to show His light to the people of Honduras, and I am so excited to be able to do so! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone of you that have prayed and supported me and my other team members on our trip to Honduras this summer.

Sarah Belcher

This year the Lord had us go to Honduras with none of our children as part of our team. We missed all four of our girls, but the Lord is faithful in taking care of all of us while we are apart.

We are thankful that the Lord continues to use the Hodges and their ministry to reach boys and girls and men and women with the gospel of Christ here in Honduras. We are also thankful that the Lord has allowed us to bring these young people to see what the Lord can do through a family that has given themselves to Christ and His work. Our team did a good job of helping and learning and ministering. There was a good spirit of unity and willingness to help.

Several team members feel that the Lord is calling them into missions and many will be faithful supporters of missions even if the Lord doesn’t call them specifically to the mission field. My favorite part this year was the “Mission Minute” that Brother Sam shared in the evenings to the team. Sam certainly has a heart for missions and for seeing the Lord work in young people’s lives. Please pray with us that the Lord would have His will done in regards to a trip next year.

Thank you to the scores and scores of people that sacrificed financially so that the team members could go to Honduras and thank you to the many people that lifted us up in prayer daily while we were gone on our trip. I am truly amazed by the many people whom tell us “we prayed for you.” You will be able to reap the eternal benefits from the things that the Lord accomplished on this 2017 Honduras trip. To God be the Glory, Great things He hath done!!

Mr. and Mrs. Houk

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Ready to serve on the mission field? Sign up for one of our short-term missions opportunities available each summer.