our ministry

Reach the people of Honduras (surrounding the capitol of Tegucigalpa) with the gospel of Christ, while helping the ministry of missionaries Samuel and Julie Hodges.

2019 Summer Mission Team – Honduras – TENTATIVE Itinerary

Saturday, 1st of June—Arrival (scheduled for 12:05pm arrival time in Tegucigalpa, Honduras)

  • Lunch—Church’s Chicken (Tegucigalpa)
  • 5:00pm—Orientation (with Brother Sam) and then Preparations for Fun Fair
  • 7:00pm—Sandwiches
  • 9:00pm—Devotional  (You can pick one of the guys or yourself. Brother Sam will be doing the devotional on some nights.)


Sunday, 2nd of June, Sabanagrande

  • 7:00am—Early Continental Breakfast with Bus workers
  • 7:30am—Bus Routes (All YOM team members will be going on different bus routes. They will be with a partner.)
  • 10:00am—Sunday School (we will need some YOM team members to be ready to give a testimony to the 2 teen girls/2 teen boys classes). We have a total of 17 Sunday School classes. A couple of young ladies can help in our nursery, the first hour.
  • 11:00am—Main church service We can use two specials in the church service—one before the preaching and another for the offertory. We can also use 2-3 YOM team members to give a brief testimony in our Children’s Church in the second hour.
  • 12:30pm—2:00pm—Church Fair starts – all mission team members will be in charge of a booth, along with a Honduran member.
  • 2:00pm—4:30pm—Lunch and Rest
  • 5:30pm—Supper & Fellowship at the Hodges’ place with Bus Captains (Chinese food)

Monday, 3rd of June, Sabanagrande

  • 7:00am—Breakfast
  • 8:00am—Visit New Life Bilingual School
  • 9:00am—VBS in our school with Public Schools
  • **if VBS then team members involved with games, puppets, crafts, missionary stories, Bible stories, Bible verses**
  • 10:00am—  Mr. Paul shares in Seminary class for 20-25 minutes about “How One Can Serve the Lord in the Church” or “Qualities that a layman looks for in a Pastor” (Miguel Zelaya translates)
  • 11:00am—Mr. Houk teaches in Seminary class for 20-25 minutes about “Serving as a non-pastor in a full-time ministry” (Miguel Zelaya translates)
  • 11:50am—Lunch time at the Seminary cafeteria (Pork chops/Chicken)
  • 2:30pm—Young people hike to The Rock and visit pueblo Sabanagrande
  • 6:00pm—Supper at Mabel’s Restaurant
  • 9:30pm—Prayer & Devotional night


Tuesday, 4th of June, Santa Ana & Sabanagrande

  • 7:00am—Breakfast
  • 8:00am – 12:00pm—Visit Schools in Santa Ana (Juan Lindo)
  • 12:00pm—Lunch in Santa Ana—Café Gringo
  • 2:00pm – 5:00pm—Visit Schools in Santa Ana
  • 5:30pm – Supper—cold cuts, sandwiches & chips
  • 6:30pm—Prayer Time (Do NOT miss this!)
  • 7:00pm—Midweek service at New Life Baptist Church (some can give testimonies, and also special music)
  • 8:30pm—Coffee & Donuts (often takes place after church)


Wednesday, 5th of June, Tizatilo, Santa Rosa, Tegucigalpa

  • 7:00am—Breakfast
  • 8:00am – 12:00pm—VBS in our school with Public Schools (Ceniga and 18 de Noviembre)
  • 2:30pm – 4:00pm—Visit Sabanagrande’s School
  • 5:30pm—Supper at Ericka & Gissel’s house
  • 8:30pm—Devotional


Thursday, 6th of June, Nacaoma (population in 2013: 13,929), Amapala (population in 2001: 2,482)

  • 7:00am—Breakfast
  • 8:00am—Visit Nacaoma’s school (south of Tegucigalpa—founded in 1535 and given city status in 1845)
  • 9:00am – 5:00pm—Tract distribution and visit the Island of Amapala (El Tigre Island/Gulf of Fonseca)
  • 1:00pm – 3:30pm—Lunch on the island
  • 5:30pm—Sandwiches at the Hodges


Friday, 7th of June, Sabanagrande

  • 7:00am—Breakfast
  • 8:00am—Work Day
  • 10:00am—Mr. Houk preaches at Seminary Chapel
  • 2:00pm—Preparation for Seminary graduation & Banquet (Sabanagrande)
  • 6:00pm—Seminary Graduation (might provide special music)
  • 7:30pm—Banquet/Meal


Saturday, 8th of June (Mr. and Mrs. Houk’s anniversary) Sabanagrande

  • 8:00am—Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 11:00am—Kinder’s graduation
  • 12:00pm—Lunch (coffee shop in Sabanagrande)
  • 2:00pm—Bus visitation
  • 5:00pm—Supper at Furgon
  • 8:30pm—Devotional


Sunday, 9th of June, Sabanagrande (Often this is Chocolate Sunday)

  • 7:00am—Breakfast
    7:30am—Leave for bus routes (everyone will be designated where to go on the bus—we have 4 routes)
  • 10:00am—Sunday School (we will need some YOM team members to be ready to give a testimony to the 2 teen girls/2 teen boys classes). We have a total of 17 Sunday School classes. A couple of young ladies can help in our nursery, the first hour.
  • 11:00am—Church service We can use two specials in the church service—one before the preaching and another for the offertory. We can also use 2-3 YOM team members to give a brief testimony in our Children’s Church in the second hour.
  • 2:00pm – 4:30pm—Lunch and Rest
  • 6:00pm—Supper & Fellowship at Kristen’s place with staff


Monday, 10th of June (Mr. Paul’s birthday) Amapala

  • 8:00am—Breakfast
  • 8:30am – 11:30am—Tract distribution in Tegucigalpa
  • Lunch—Little Caesar’s
  • 2:00pm – 5:30pm—Visit Children’s Home (Emmanuel Orphanage) at Guaimaca (population in 2015: 28,963)
  • 8:30pm—Devotional


Tuesday, 11th of June, Sabanagrande

  • 8:00am—Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 12:00pm— VBS in our school with Public Schools
  • **if VBS then team members involved with games, puppets, crafts, missionary stories, Bible stories, Bible verses**
  • 12:00pm—Lunch at school
  • 2:00pm – 4:00pm—Light Work Day at Church
  • 5:30 pm—Sandwiches at the Hodges
  • 6:00pm—Head to church
  • 6:30pm—Prayer Time (Do NOT miss this!)
  • 7:00pm—New Life Baptist Church—midweek Service (usually need a PowerPoint of pictures for this service) (sometimes one of us preaches, a couple can give testimonies, and we can have special music)
  • 8:30pm—Fellowship (often takes place after church)


Wednesday, 12th of June, El Hatilo & Valle’ de Angeles

  • 8:00am—Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 5:00pm—Visit El Hatilo & Valle’ de Angeles
  • 6:30pm—Supper at Power Chicken
  • 8:30pm—Devotional


Thursday, 13th of June, Emmanuel & Tegucigalpa

  • 8:00am—Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 12:00pm—Visit schools in La Paz
  • 12:00pm—Lunch at Campero/Burger King/Little Caesar’s
  • 2:00pm – 4:30pm—Tract distribution in downtown
  • 5:30pm—Ready for church service
  • 7:00pm—Church service at La Paz Baptist Church (provide special music); Brother Henrry and Kendra’s church
  • 8:30pm—Fellowship with fun & food (often takes place after church)

Friday, 14th of June, La Paz, Comayagua (population in 2015: 152,051), Sabanagrande

  • 7:30am—Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 12:00pm— Visit Schools in LaPaz
  • 12:00pm—Lunch
  • 1:00pm – 4:00pm— visit Bro. Arvil Smith’s school and Home of Love Children’s Home (Comayagua)
  • 6:30pm—Supper at Coco Baleadas


Saturday, 15th of June, Sabanagrande

  • 8:00am—Breakfast
  • 9:00am – 12:00pm—Bible Clubs
  • **team members would be involved with games, Bible stories, testimonies, missionary stories, Bible verses**
  • 12:30pm—Lunch at school (sandwiches)
  • 3:00pm—Youth Group activity (**team members often involved in games, lesson, testimonies, and special music**)
  • 8:30pm—Devotional


Sunday, 16th of June, Sabanagrande & Tegucigalpa


8:30am—Leave for Airport (usually lunch in airport restaurants)

Dios le bendiga y Adios! God bless Everyone!!

9:25pm—Arrive back in Pensacola


Flight Info for trip: Delta Airlines

Flight # Date Departure Arrival
DL / 1234 1-Jun-19 PNS 5:25A ATL 7:32A
Depart: Pensacola Regional (PNS) Arrive: Atlanta (ATL)
DL / 849 1-Jun-19 ATL 10:17A TGU 12:05P
Depart: Atlanta (ATL) Arrive: Tegucigalpa (TGU)
DL / 552 16-Jun-19 TGU 1:00P ATL 6:42P
Depart: Tegucigalpa (TGU) Arrive: Atlanta (ATL)
DL / 603 16-Jun-19 ATL 9:14P PNS 9:25P
Depart: Atlanta (ATL) Arrive: Pensacola Regional (PNS)


Updated 04/24/19

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