our hosts

Sam & Julie Hodges

In 1997, the Hodges family arrived in Honduras. In 1998, Sam and Julie began New Life Baptist Church in the small town of Sabanagrande. They first started with Sunday services and later added a Tuesday service as well. As their ministry developed, other outreaches were begun, including men’s and ladies’ fellowships, Bible clubs, and youth ministries. In 2005, they started a Bible institute to train preachers and church workers. In 2007, New Life Bilingual School began for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade.

Because of the inaccuracies and false teachings rampant in their location, Sam and Julie spend much time with teaching and evangelism. Each year, the ministry sees many souls saved, baptized, and nurtured in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hodges’ multi-faceted ministry includes a thriving Christian school, Bible institute (English and Spanish), and a vibrant outreach program aimed at the surrounding regions.

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